Here's their wedding announcment that ran in the New York Times on Saturday:

Tracy Mitnick, Ross Levitt
Published: March 20, 2009
Tracy Erin Mitnick and Ross Alexander Levitt were married Saturday evening in Baltimore at the Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore. Rabbi Donald R. Berlin officiated.
Published: March 20, 2009
Tracy Erin Mitnick and Ross Alexander Levitt were married Saturday evening in Baltimore at the Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore. Rabbi Donald R. Berlin officiated.
Beth English
Until December Mrs. Levitt, 27, was the promotion manager in the marketing department of Men’s Fitness magazine in New York, an American Media Inc., publication. She graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania.
Until December Mrs. Levitt, 27, was the promotion manager in the marketing department of Men’s Fitness magazine in New York, an American Media Inc., publication. She graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania.
She is the daughter of Frances H. Mitnick and John H. Mitnick of Baltimore. Her father is a partner in Mitnick & Mitnick, the law firm there. Her mother is the office manager of the practice.
Mr. Levitt, 34, works in New York as a field producer with CNN. He also graduated from Penn and received a master’s in broadcast journalism from Syracuse University.
He is the son of Aimee L. Stewart of Allentown, Pa., and Harvey J. Levitt of North Ridgeville, Ohio. He is the stepson of Andrea Bizek and Ozzie Stewart. The bridegroom’s mother retired as owner of Senior Solutions Inc., a home health-care company in Allentown, Pa. His father retired as a lawyer at Forest City Enterprises, the Cleveland real estate development company.
The couple fell in love in three minutes — the time limit for conversation at a Jewish speed-dating session in May 2007. Ms. Mitnick was one of 20 women seated at a Lower East Side bar, and an equal number of men, including Mr. Levitt, visited each table for three-minute dates.
Mr. Levitt’s first stop was at Ms. Mitnick’s table.
Mr. Levitt’s first stop was at Ms. Mitnick’s table.
“I really liked his smile and his positive attitude,” Ms. Mitnick said. “He was really very witty and had funny, quick one-liners that made me giggle — all in the space of three minutes.”
In the time it takes to boil an egg, the couple found that they had gone to the same university, had fond memories of their summer camps and liked honey crisp apples. Though they had 19 other dates that night, each of them had their hearts set on the first person they met.
“There was nothing not to like about her,” Mr. Levitt said. “She’s smart and she’s beautiful and we instantly had a lot of things in common, like music and a love of theater. It was just an instant connection, one of those indescribable things where there seemed to be lightning striking.”
1 comment:
Awwww!! Sweet story! I loved it... Made me wish I had something just as sweet to recall! :D
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