So, some part-time sports shooter gave me his gear (different department, can't go) and I set out to cover an apartment fire. The complex was literally burning to the ground and I could see the smoke all the way from I-695 Maple Grove. (The fire was in Plymouth, off 55, about 5 miles away.) As I kept trying to get in touch with a photographer and my news director, I couldn't help but pray I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of the photogs from all the big stations-- afterall, I hadn't shot on a camera like this since graduate school 7 years ago. And, the photogs up here always tighten the tripod legs so tight I can never get them unscrewed myself. I thought, please, please, please help me not have to ask someone to unscrew a tripod leg. Oh, please, please let the lighting be okay.
Luckily for my sake, the firefighters didn't get the fire under control for about one and a half hours, so I was able to reasonably figure out what I was doing and get some good shots. A photographer who lived nearby showed up. I reeked of smoke and my heels are about ruined, but the job got done. I even ran into Chris Cruise, a fellow Shreveport TV-alum, who was covering the fire. He was equally appreciative that someone decided to start a fire right before he left work. Isn't that the way it always works?
OKay, while the apartment may have been literally burning to the ground, there's no way the scanners were literally erupting.
If they had been, you would have had a much bigger story right there in your newsroom.
Once an editor, always an editor.
okay, okay. Would erupting with information be more accurate?
perhaps "blaring" would have been a better choice?
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