My sorority sister Stephanie posted these pictures of his homecoming in Conway and then playing in the River Market in Little Rock. She and her posse (I think even her baby) had a green t-shirts welcoming home Kris.

Arkansans support their own. I remember back hearing several people say back when Clinton was running for President, "Well, I'm going to vote for him just because he's from Arkansas. An Arkansan in the White House!" etc. I've heard that attitude reflected in cheering people on for the Olympics, Miss America, whatever. When you don't really have a pro-team to root for, you cheer for your own.
As an aside, sometimes it's great PR for the state, sometimes it's not (Thanks Billy Bob Thornton, did you have to wear a black baseball cap while accepting an Oscar? Really?!).

And while I'm absolutely positive there are several people in Arkansas I never want to see in the White House, I'm glad to support this guy in his bid for the American Idol crown. I think he's got a narrow shot at beating the judges' hands-down favorite, but it would make a great upset, wouldn't it?

1 comment:
Claire thinks it will be an easy win because Kris and Gokey divided the non-Adam vote. She thinks there won't be much crossover, and since they said less than a million votes spearated the two, it will be Kris in a landslide.
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