Here's another installment about diversity in Minnesota...
Did you know the first American suicide bomber came from Minneapolis? He was a Somali-American who blew himself up in Somalia. Headlines this week have been about jihadists recruiting Somali boys from here to go to war in their homeland. So far, three have died and the FBI is investigating a downtown mosque. It's a reoccuring story in the local news. Who would've thought it could all be linked back to Minnesota?
When Dave and I moved to Minneapolis, we couldn't believe we moved into an area with so much diversity. Our apartment complex had many Somali families with cute kids and friendly women. It was different to get used to seeing the women in headdresses, and occasionally a burqa. The first time an elevator opened and I saw a lady in big, black burqa, I literally jumped. I was so embarrassed; it caught me totally off guard. Probably the oddest thing was the women at working at Walmart wearing Walmart-blue headdresses that came down to their waist instead of the typical Walmart vest.
Sometimes a group would come for a program or a tour out at the Landing. They always liked my dress. Since they could only speak very little English, the main point of communication would sometimes be the village well--they had one just like that back in Africa. It has to be one of the most difficult things to go to a foreign country and try to live and learn the language. I can't imagine the frustration.

Somalis fled their homeland to escape civil unrest in the early 1990s. Several settled in the Twin Cities and there's even a section of town called "Little Mogadishu." Right now, Somalis make up the largest African group in Minnesota, and there are several. The African immigrant groups don't necessarily get along with Minnesota African-Americans, which sometimes causes conflicts in neighborhoods and schools. It's a complex situation, and an interesting dynamic.
One of the most interesting thing I learned is the difference in food when coming to America. Somalis eat a diet very low in sugar, and when they come to America, they have great teeth. One woman at a nonprofit told me they have Somali immigrants frequently return sugary boxed cereal because they think it's ludicrous anyone would eat that--and first thing in the morning too! Wonder if they like lutfisk?!
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