It's Brooklyn Center's turn for parade # 2 with the Earle Brown Festival and Parade. This day was a scorcher of a day, and of course the entire production and set took place on a black, asphalt parking lot. Talk about hot! I had more than one person ask me if I the heat and humidity reminded me of home. One person wound up passing out.... so for you Southern naysayers, yes, it truly was hot.

Don't we look like Charlie's Angels or something here? I had light duty for the day... handing out prizes and helping coordinate.

Here's Jen doing an interview during the parade. This photog, Skylar, runs up and down the route with the reporters. It's a hot job.

I'm not sure how Dustin got the assignment to always drive in the parade. He's a talented photog, and has a brother who is a talented photog at KUSA in Denver.

Here's Lisa with the Grand Marshall...and again in a hot dog stand.

The events crew and production staff were in the coolest place... the production truck.

We have three cams that work the parade and three more that tape the show. Here's the "birdie" shot and our fleet. Next week, two in one week.
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