Jack is now five days old and we are discovering all sorts of fun things about him. He doesn't do much but eat, cry and sleep. The latter of which doesn't come much at night.

We have had more than a few sleepless nights but every so often he just looks so peaceful and angelic it's hard to remember that you've only slept about 8 hours in the past week.
In all the (daytime) sleeping that Jack has done we've discovered that he might have a future as an orchestra conductor.
Learning about a newborn is like putting together a puzzle. Just when you think you've got it figure out, he changes the pieces.
But it's sure been a lot of fun.
That video is precious! I think Jack has his days and nights confused! Both my boys did that as well and if you want any sleep at night you better try and keep him awake during the day and get him to sleep at night. I know easier said than done but the quicker you do it the better your life will be!!
He is sooo cute!! Hope all is going well!
Jack is CRAZY CUTE!!! Congratulations you two. Andrea and I are very very happy for you.
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