We will meander away from the cultural Christmases for a celebration of our own. It's the one time of year when Americans traditionally take pictures of themselves in pajamas, minutes after they get up in the morning, and usually with subjects grinning while sitting in piles of trash and paper in their own living rooms. We did not disappoint, and this blog is proof we liked our presents.

Despite the lousy record, it was a banner year for Razorback wear. We got shirts, hats, and caps. I got a fondue pot.

One of the most unique gifts I received was a box of papers I wrote when I was in the first grade in North Carolina. It's always fun to go back and see the person you were.

In a book called "My North

Carolina book," I talked about why I loved my state, state bird, region etc... I am holding up the picture that went with the paragraph I wrote on why North Carolina is the "Tarheel State".
We talked to family in Florida, Arkansas, New York, and Colorado.

Then, we set out to eat at BANK in downtown Minneapolis. If a place locks up their wine in a vault, you know it has to be good. The "C" team didn't quite measure up in terms of service, but the food and the experience was nice.

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