It's not everyday you get to ride in a tank.
This Veteran's Day, we had a few military vehicles out at our site for the public to see. When the event was over, one of my bosses asked me if I wanted to climb in the tank. At first, as a knee jerk reaction, I said no. After all
, I'm not really a military buff, but then I thought, really... how many times in your life do you have the chance to ride in a tank?

I have two brothers who have served in the military. I talked to my brother John about this, (he hasn't ridden in a tank) and he assures me it was a pretty special thing to get to do.
This tank, like all WWII tanks, was named after a Civil War general. It's the M5 Stuart Light Tank that was mainly used for quick missions.

What struck me when climbing inside is just how small and cramped these things are. You don't have any room to turn around and nothing is made for your comfort. It's hard to imagine going into battle in one of these, much less the horror that would've surely followed if you did get hit or catch on fire.
My boss, who is in the front of one of these pictures said, "Whenever I'm in one of these, I think of the brave souls who used them in battle."
What a duty and sacrifice to serve.
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