A slow computer and post-Thanksgiving wipeout has delayed this entry a few days.
Nonetheless, we had a good thankgiving with good food and family.
Dave deep-fried the turkey, which came out very well. (Here is video evidence that no fire department was needed. Narrated by our nephew Jacob.)
I got to use all my silver stuff, which included stuff from my wedding, stuff from my grandmothers, and some special silver from a friend's mom. Since we didn't have a dining room table, it was all served up on a picnic table, which is something we'll remember for a long time I'm sure.

I went a little Martha on everything... with everything homemade, from the cranberry sauce to the yeast rolls. I was especially proud of my apple pie. It was the best I've ever done. The only thing that flopped was the spin I tried to put on sweet potatoes... the baked chips turned out too mushy.
Even the Razorbacks pulled off the impossible the next day... but this year I didn't go hoarse from yelling at the game.

Everyone left by 3 pm Saturday, and I permanently cemented myself to the couch until Monday morning when I started the post-Thanksgiving workout with a 3-mile run. I am tired of food, but I'm sure that will change before Christmas.

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