The very first bullet shot from his prize Red Ryder BB Gun ricochets and knocks his glasses off. He steps on them, breaks them, and runs in his house telling his mother an icicle fell off the garage and destroys his glasses.
I never understood how that excuse could work until I saw the icicles up here in Minnesota. Some of the icicles are the size of a small child. It's very feasible one of those falling chunks of ice could do some significant damage to the person who happens to be below.
The purple house is the Tabaka House, which was my house during the month-long Christmas event. I'm sure I'll be in here a few times this summer, too. Here are some Dr. Suess-inspired icicles hanging off the Atwater house--which is the home of my adversary this summer. (More on that to come).

So here, it's wise to watch where you walk. It could knock your eye out, for sure.
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