You may have heard my diatribe about the psycho squirrels that live in my neighborhood. In short, they destroy stuff. They eat stuff. Like plastic bird feeders. Like anything you put in your yard. Or bury in your yard. They first crossed paths with me when they ate the face off my jack-o-lantern, and their status hasn't improved much in my book. Except I did outsmart them last fall when I dipped all the tulip bulbs in hot sauce before I planted them. I didn't see one squirrel dig them up and we have lots of red tulips in our yard right now.
This week I kept noticing a half-eaten dried corncob in the backyard. I didn't know how it got there, but it looked like it came out of the stupid squirrel feeder up the street. (Wonder why they stick around?) Then the cob disappeared one day.
This week, I spotted a squirrel carrying the thing around the yard. Upon closer inspection, I saw he (or she?) was pulling off kernels and burying them all around the yard.
So, I told Dave we could put horseshoes in the yard. If rodents are going to dig holes, we might as well dig bigger ones.
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