For the past six weeks, I've been attending New Mom & Baby class at the hospital where I gave birth. It's been an extremely helpful sounding board of new moms bouncing ideas off each other and an expert baby person. We've talked about sleeping, baby poop, breastfeeding, sleeping, losing weight, working, sleeping...
It's been a good barometer of finding out how my baby stacks up against the rest. He's normal. He's one of the biggest babies in the class-- and he's the youngest.
Today, at the last class, we took pictures and went out to lunch. During the pictures, I thought that Jack was extremely well behaved, even if some of the babies weren't.

Sometimes I think they conspire against us. Here, Jack's being all chill and photogenic preserving his good nature in photographs for history's sake...but what is he thinking?
"Dude, why are you crying during the pictures?"

"You should wait and cry when all the milk ladies go out for lunch. That's what I'm going to do."

And he did.
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