For the past several years, he's been studying Hebrew, attending sunday school, and preparing for his bar mitzvah. Technically, this is the day when he is called to read and interpret a portion of the Torah. The serious, nerve-wracking service is then followed by a fun party full of 13-year-olds and pre-teens.
You think Catholic weddings with complete two-hour full masses are long? Try a four hour service spoken almost completely in another language. That's long.
I carried my camera inside to snap some pictures, but found out that's against the rules because it could be interpreted as working on the Sabbath. So, I respectfully didn't take any pictures. However, someone did snap a picture and posted it to facebook before the service was out. A sign of the times, right?

By all accounts, Jake did a fantastic job and nailed his haftorah portion. His Hebrew was impeccable and he was comfortable in front of the big crowd.

Since this life cycle event is generally a big deal, some had new clothes, some had new shoes, others had shoes polished, suits pressed, and everything in order for an event where the family would be on full display.
Once on the FRONT ROW of the event, Dave and I were on our toes to keep the kids occupied. We used everything in our bag of tricks, reading and playing with trucks while Jack rolled and played in between the front row and the bimah (stage up front, basically the same as the altar/pulpit area in church). We fed him raisins and snacks and essentially had a picnic in the front row. But after a bit, Jack was tired and looking for new fun. He took a car and ran it up and down the air conditioning/heating vent, making a loud sound. When he ran across the building and tried to go up on the bimah, Dave took him out of the sanctuary kicking and screaming. We switched roles keeping him outside.
But Dave had a Torah portion to read. I was *supposed* to read a prayer. But, Jack and I found a nursery area and didn't come out. I left the baby with family and my phone on mute in the front row. No amount of texting or calling let me know it was my turn to read, which was okay. But I am very disappointed that I missed Jake's entire event. When Evie started making noise and we were all outside, we decided to just leave.
We weren't the only ones who did that. We caught up with a few sets of friends and family members at the Dunkin' Donuts next door. Several family members assured us that we thought we were a bigger distraction than we really were. I certainly hope so.

Jack ran back and forth in-between the line dancers. The man of honor, Jake, was also out there...always surrounded by girls. He might be a head shorter than all of them, but that doesn't seem to matter in the least.

Besides the dancing, the reception was full of traditions. The meal started with Dave's father leading prayer and cutting the challah, which Sheila baked for the occasion. Dave led the prayer over the wine.
You either loved the reception theme or you hated it--New York Yankees. Reception attendees signed a big poster of Derek Jeter. Each table was numbered a Yankee player, complete with confetti of the player.
The cake was a replica of Yankee Stadium.
After the dinner, Jake lit 13 candles on his cake and used each candle to represent a friend or family member who is special to Jake. Dave, Evie, Jack and I got to light a candle with Jake.
The event had a few small bumps like any big event, but overall everyone had fun. I'm sure the party will be the talk of eighth grade this week and generate a bit of facebook chatter. We were happy to be a part of the fun and support a nephew that we love. Jack and Evie will most likely remember the event only in photos... but it was an experience Jack will hear about in the years to come.