We've been asked by passengers, pilots, TSA screeners, you name it, we've been stopped and asked, "where did you get that stroller? I've never seen anything like it before."This stroller converts to a backpack and it looks so different that I can understand why it catches quite a bit of attention. We'vebeen stopped many, many times and asked about it outside of the airport too. It's become quite a joke and we have our canned response ready when asked.
We bought the Kelty Kids stroller/backpack months ago at a second hand store. We actually debated on whether or not to buy it, when inretrospect it's been one of the best baby purchases we have made. The contraption allows Jack to stand or at least sit upright instead of reclining, which for an active baby is a much more attractive option. During busy travel and in tight spaces, we fold the handle down and let Dave carry Jack on his back. This was very, very helpful getting through crowds during the holiday season in the busy airport, and Jack loves the view from up top. It only weighs 9.5 pounds.

While this isn't a baby equipment review blog and I realize that this post totally shows how my life has changed, our stroller has become something that makes us cool....at least in some circles.
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