In the middle of the Christmas rush, I haven't had much of a chance to write.
But this was so good I couldn't pass it up.
This week we hit 27 weeks and everything was good at the routine check-up. When you go in monthly for a checkup, it all becomes rather routine: urine test, weight, measure, miscellanous advice on this is what's next, baby's heart beat... with maybe something random thrown in there that makes parents-to-be coo and smile or maybe grimace and look at their partner with that, 'oh, didn't know that would happen' look. Routine is good. We are happy with routine.
This week, the nurse held monitor to my growing belly to hear the heartbeat. And when she did, the baby hit the monitor in the exact spot where she put it. It was a hard enough hit to make my stomach visibly jump and the monitor move. She looked at me, we laughed, and she said something to the effect of 'you've got a little stinker in there.' Then, she put the monitor back on my stomach in the same place, only to have the same thing happen again. We laughed, and she decided to move the monitor to a different area to hear the heartbeat. Apparently junior liked this much better.
I think he or she was definitely showing off a nice little Scotch-Irish temper.
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