My father is no stranger to the music scene--he's a big music fan. Growing up, anytime I mentioned an artist from the 70s, he'd seen them in concert in Houston or New Orleans or somewhere. Dad taught himself to play guitar and has played and sang in several bands. When I was pretty young, I remember people around for band practice, and going to see him play at different venues. He gave up honky tonks when his family expanded, but on a Saturday afternoon he would still plug in his bass and just play to whatever song came on the radio. He was good like that. He gave one country music artist his first job, and later when that guy signed a record contract, he asked Dad to go with him on the road. Dad said no, but later the singer gave Dad a gold record when he came through in Little Rock. It used to hang on the wall in the living room.

Now, he's playing again--with a band that is mostly 20-somethings, their dad, and my dad. A few Campbell relatives pop in to sing or play certain tunes. They have a keyboardist that comes in from time to time, too. I'm used to Dad singing/playing country, and it's no surprise to hear Johnny Cash, George Strait, or whomever you would associate with the Grand Ole Opry....but it's quite different to go home and hear him play Collective Soul, Bon Jovi, Green Day, Tom Petty, or even Kid Rock. He can rock out.
When we've seen a "performance," it's been pretty impressive. They perform, then take a break for Karoke singers, then start up again. They only took one 15-minute break in the 3 hours we listened last week. Dave and I have checked out a few bands in the Twin Cities, and on a good night, I'd put this group up against any we've heard so far. Dad says if they'd practice, they just might mess around and be good. 

They have a gig coming up somewhere in Texas, and we wish them the best of luck. And of course, before I left I went up to hug Dad (who was very sweaty from ending an hour long set with Sweet Home Alabama and Freebird) and got a picture with him and Terrie.... and typical Dad, he stopped the coolness to be goofy so he could embarrass me in front of the crowd... 

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