The rehearsal dinner, wedding, and reception took place on the grounds of the American Rose Center. The rain held off, Gustav held off, and the festivities went off. It was a good thing everyone had hotel rooms up front, because the evacuees swarmed in during the weekend. With radioes broadcasting "there's no room in the inn in Shreveport, evacuees, go to Arkansas!" we got in a nice little bit of evacuee traffic up to Arkansas after the event.
Jessica got to bring the second Yankee into the family, as the groom grew up right outside New York City but now makes his home in Northwest Louisiana. Craig and Jessica seemed very much in love.

I was honored to serve as the matron of honor, and I actually got through the toast without bawling. (Sorry Kim--I'm still embarrased about that toast at your reception) Although, you can still see my token red spots on my neck in these pictures because.. that's just what I do around crowds.
It was pretty special that all of the siblings got to attend. Luke made it in from Alaska, John drove 16 hours in from Colorado, I came in from Minnesota, and of course Niki made it down from Arkansas. An added plus to the event was going out on the town after the reception with the cousins--some of whom I don't get to see often. This visit was all about the family.
I apologize for the delay in the post--it's been busy since coming back. More blogs are planned... stay tuned.
But first, congrats and best wishes to Jessica and Craig. We love you both.

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