When we relocated to Minnesota this summer it was for the job of a lifetime. But in my gain, was my wife's loss. She had to leave behind her family, her job, and her dreams so that I could follow mine.
Since that time, you can only imagine how tough it has been. Everyone knows adjusting to a new place where you know don't know anyone, is never easy. But she never hinted at remorse, only complete joy and happiness in my success.
Feeling sorry for herself is not something Shannon knows how to do. She approached this situation like any other adversity she's faced in her life... with strength, fortitude and optimism. We should all be so lucky to show those attributes in the same situation. Shannon has quickly become the most popular employee at her new job, she's embraced the Minnesota culture and even tried to enjoy the winter.
Most importantly she has showed me the meaning of true love and selflessness, giving up everything for me -- her husband.
So this Valentine's day I want everyone to know about the great gift my wife gave me this year. A gift so wonderful that I could never even begin to reciprocate.
I love you babe!
Dave, you are a sweetie!!! You have a true southern belle and I know that you appreciate all that Shannon does for you. I know you guys will have many years together, so enjoy today and forever!!!
Shannon would be a favorite no matter where she goes. You both deserve happiness. Happy Valentine's Day.
I went to college with Shannon, and she is so awesome! I'm so happy for your nice life together and I'm glad I'll get to pleasure of keeping up with her through your blog.
So sweet. What a little snowbunny catch you are! We love you guys!
You two are so great together. That was a huge move you two made together, but the most important thing is that it was done TOGETHER! Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day and many many more to come in the future!
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