Saturday, October 22, 2011

Month One

Where does the time go? When you have two under two, I sometimes wonder how I get anything accomplished between duel diaper changes.

As Evelyn approached one month old, I wanted to copy the idea of one of my crafty friends and snap pictures of her in numbered onesies. I had the fabric,the onesies, the fusible web,but what I didn't have is time.

I hastily ironed on the number one the night before her one-month birthday and in the process got some gunky residue all over outfit.

Then I didn't make time to snap a picture until really late
in the evening and I tried to cram in a photo session before Jack's bedtime.

The result? Some lousy pics of the baby, but some great pictures and dialogue with the 19-month-old who will never pose for a picture but wanted to be in on the action.Apparently Jack also wanted to use the opportunity for pictures to lay down some ground rules to the newest member of the household.


Shannon said...

These are adorable! I love the idea of the numbered onesies? Wish I had thought of that with Kate. I also wanted to say that you are doing great -- even now I never get it all done but I do know you will never regret trying and marking the milestones.

Adrianne said...

Ok I am bad friend because I missed the last year of your life but CONGRATULATIONS again!! Enjoy 2!!! She is beautiful!!!