When I started working at the station, there was a nice arrangement of photos in the lobby featuring the news team. Over time, people quit, moved on, or got fired. The pictures slowly came down and simply weren't replaced. I'm not sure why it's a thing for stations to put pictures in the lobby. They just do, and I've interviewed at enough stations to know it's pretty standard.
I'll never forget my first event at the state fair. The pictures of the anchors were made into little index cards for autographing. When I worked the booth, someone asked me for my autograph--why? I'm not sure; they knew I was the new girl. But they did, and my boss turned and gave me one of the main anchors cards and said, just sign THIS picture--you guys look alike. It should have been a sign.
Fastforward five years: I never did get autograph cards, which was plenty okay with me. But, a mere week after I turned in my one month notice, I finally got my picture in the lobby. It hung there for three weeks before my crew took it down my last morning there. Three weeks.
Now, a new job and a new station. It took less than 6 weeks to get my picture in the lobby. That has to be a better sign.
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you and proud of you!
I wish we were better at getting things done than we are. You know, those picture are such a status thing and a pain in the tookas for the CS Dept. It seems simple but where do you draw the line? Does the weekend sports guy get one? Does the part time anchor guy get one. Do you put any reporters on the wall? So many options....so little budget. No matter how hard we try, Heidi won't like her picture anyway. I'm glad we did get yours hung....even after 5 years....and just before you left. It really was a nice picture.
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