But, today, I was actually called something in print. One of my students at Henderson State where I teach online wrote a lovely op-ed piece about my final policy. In it, he referred to me as a "ball breaker." My favorite part of the article came right after the accusation "but I can say that because she lives in Minnesota."
It's a nice little article about a policy I don't agree with. He quoted me from an email--without my permission--but I think I'll let it slide because now I'm published in the school paper as the "ball breaker." Awesome.
The things you find out from Google.
Shannon- OMG- Your blog post about his bitching was actually longer than his "op-ed" piece itself!
I sometimes in the wee hours will look at the Oracle online. I usually think "Oh my god, what winers" about all of it!
You're the mighty ball breaker! Live it. Love it!
I know! Don't get me wrong--I loved it... I'm now just thinking about how to let him know I know...which could be really fun!
I think that "ball breaker" is a bit harsh. I would say that you are just "keepin' it real."
It would have been less daunting for me to take one of your online tests than to have you look over my shoulder while I write a VO/SOT, but now I feel that it was all worth it.
HAHAHA!!! You so are the ball breaker!! HAAAAA!
This coming from the new town drunk..
Just give those kids "C's" and tell them to learn to kiss some corporate ass. You have to write a rebuttal to the paper....DO IT!!
I know a thing or two about "ball breaking."
Of course, you might know about that, too. Maybe I showed you a thing or two. I'm not bragging, just to be clear.
A former student at BPCC told Dave that I "flunked her." To dave's credit, he said, "No, you flunked you." Gotta love that. I turned in three studetns for copying enormous hunks of material for a term paper. My student evals from those Bright Young Minds aren't the best, either.
Do the right thing. As far as I know, you always do. And be Minnesota Nice about it.
LOFL! OMG! That IS awesome...formerly known as one of the nicest people on the planet...meet my friend "ball breaker"
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