Friday was an exciting day at our little station. We got a mid-west Emmy nomination for our special "25 Years of TV" that we put together last November. A monumental amount of work went into the half-hour edited show, which documented 25 years of television in the Northwest Metro.
The show was produced by one of our anchors, Jennifer Anderson, and she submitted it for the award on the sly. Since it's already won one award, she thought it stood a good chance of making the next cut-- being nominated, but she didn't want to go through the hassle of getting our application and fee approved by management. So, she paid for it herself and we all benefit as being emmy nominees. After all, Jen was just living up to one of our favorite slogans in the news--it's easier to get forgiveness than permission. From experience, we know that forgiveness is easily granted when there's an Emmy involved.
I find it slightly ironic that my contribution to the show focused on a public access show that comes out of our partner next door... and is run totally by who else? Seniors. I produced a show catering to seniors for three years in Shreveport, and I still haven't escaped the senior beat.
Facebook took the news to most of my family before I did, and before I knew it I was fielding calls from friends and family about my Emmy nod. To answer those questions: No, it's not quite like Susan Lucci's Emmy, and No, I won't be sharing a table with Oprah at the award ceremony, but Yes, it's still really, really cool.
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