Thursday, April 30, 2009
Still in the game...

Monday, April 27, 2009
Twins Time

The fella below is the trusty sports photog, Rover. Yes, Rover. I don't know why he's named Rover, and since this is the sports department, I'm sure there's a long, funny story behind the nickname that makes completely no sense. They never do. I'm still trying to figure out why they nicknamed their producer "Yen" when his name is Patrick O'Shaunessey and therefore, clearly nowhere near anything resembling Asian decent.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Founder's Day

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Skunk Cabbage

I found these plants while walking around the Schwartz house in upstate New York. I know many plants, but I haven't been able to identify these. I'm curious by nature, and these things look out of something from "The Little Shoppe of Horrors." They were growing in a low-lying, marshy area, and were probably bigger than my hand.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Far Out in Woodstock

The year was 1969, and my MIL (mother in law) faced quite the conundrum. Should she go to this music festival where all sorts of popular bands and musicans would be playing? Her friends were. But where would she sleep if she went? It was this line of logic that made her decide to stay home while her friends went and checked out what would later become famous to some and infamous to others. It's Woodstock--a music festival that switched venues a time or two until landing outside of this cute, artsy New England town.
Forty years later the town is still generating income from the music and hippie culture that camped out and jammed there for three days. The small town is a very odd mix of artsy-fartsy high end art, overpriced antiques, tea & coffee shops, and hippie stories. It's all jumbled there together as if a teenager in an identity crisis, but that's what makes it unique.

The hippie store where we got our picture made was rather interesting. They had a whole wall of bongs, and I'm sure they were selling pot out the back door or under the counter. There was a crony woman out front harping at people to put their cameras and cell phones away, and when we stepped inside we saw why.
It was a fun day, and I brought back a T-shirt for my music-loving sister and some "Woodstock Tea" for my aunt--it looks like a grain, and at the price I'm sure there wasn't anything else suspect

Monday, April 20, 2009
Pass the Wings

On this trip, we got a special treat on Friday night when my brother and his girlfriend visited. The both live an hour and a half west of Dave's parents. One of Dave's classmates, Johnny, came over too. Dave's parents seemed more than thrilled to

We played guitar hero. We laughed. We ate. And we laughed some more.

Oh yeah--Johnny finally decided to call Dave's sister by her name, and not by "Dave's sister." This was a big deal, but it's not fit to print why they decided to make that change--so this note is only for our newest reader in the RCS area....and we are looking forward to the big visit here in June!

Local girl finishes in top 10
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Somewhere over the Hudson

Ghosts of Passover Past

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The case of the possibly stolen wallet
On Sunday evening, Dave either lost his wallet or it got stolen. The act happened at the gym where Dave is unsure if he locked his locker. The jury's still out as to exactly what happened and the details seem to be as fuzzy as Dave's recollections. But that doesn't really matter. Someone wound up with the stolen wallet and all the credit cards, and were probably initally disappointed to find out we don't normally carry cash.
They were disappointed when they tried to use the credit cards too, because Dave acted quickly and had everything cancelled and reordered within 45 minutes of discovering the stolen wallet. He reported it missing at the gym. Then, he walked around looking for guilty culprits. I'm not sure how he would've known someone was guilty unless they showed him his stolen wallet, but he felt like this gave him purpose. It did burn off a bit of stress, and I didn't mind him prowling the gym looking for wallet-stealers.
Fastforward to this morning at 6am. A local police officer woke us up by knocking on our door. By the time we actually woke up and made it to the door, (hey, we work evening shifts normally)he'd left a note on Dave's truck and left. After calling the officer back to the house (all before 7 am of course), it seems someone discovered Dave's stuff (minus the wallet) at a trailer park not too far from the community center. We didn't even know there was a trailer park around there. The stash even included business cards that Dave had picked up on the job.... but no wallet, which was incidentially part of his wedding gift from me.
Somewhere a thief out there is very unhappy. He or she made a grab and all they have to show for it is one lousy wallet. Not even a business card.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Alpha Xi Delta told to "simmer down" on Today Show
My only concern is that this does take out the non-financial aspect of volunteering. Most college kids don't have money. They give time, not money. Sure, they can go ask for money, but who likes that? It's hard to donate "time" to autistic children--sometimes special training is required. It will be interesting to see how the fraternity defines and promotes this.
The Minneapolis-St Paul Alumnae who could met up downtown at the Mary Tyler Moore statue on Nicolette between 7th and 8th Streets for a quick picture and lunch. We are planning to participate in the Walk for Autism at Canterbury Downs in September. I am slated to the on the officer board of the alumna chapter and I'm on the advisory board for the Epsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. It's been a great outlet to meet professional women my age who are all transplants to the Twin Cities. Below, there's a teacher, a student, a genetic counselor, a financial person, a museum curator, and a journalist.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Payton has arrived
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Fool's Jokes around here
Note from the producer back to the sports guy: The father of one of the soccer players in Brooklyn Park wants video of his kid. We can't find it. Can you find out more? Name is Andrew Bah. Call 763. 263.7931 and ask for Mr. Bah ((That's the Shonyo Sheep Farm in Elk River))
Meet Zoe and Sofya

Honcho finishes sixth in a downpour
Shannon's Honcho finished sixth in what my grandmother described as "a flood." She said he was very skittish because of the rain, and then they put blinders on him. So, it was a sixth place finish. She said after the race, he was literally covered with dirt.
Halfway through the batch it's not bad, but here's hoping for a faster finish next time.
L'As De Pique by J. Riquelme
Go Faster Forest by J. Court
My Magical Breeze by L. Espinosa
Ten Commandments by A. Birzer
Pop said "He just didn't like the dirt, I guess. But if he was at the front, he wouldn'ta had that problem." As Oaklawn is about done for the season, Honcho will be running next at Louisiana Downs.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Rush Hour Remorse

The reason? So many people in this town have been fired or dismissed or given a pink slip or whatever that they just aren't on the roads anymore.
That kinda makes me feel bad.
But, it sure is nice to get home in 35 minutes or so.